Your Temporary Email Address

Emails Created 141239 Messages Received 112777

Forget about spam, advertising mailings, hacking and attacking robots. Keep your real mailbox clean and secure. Temp Mail provides temporary, secure, anonymous, free, disposable email address.

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Awesome Features

Disposable temporary email protects your real email address from spam, advertising mailings, malwares.

Why would you need a fake email address?

You must have noted services such as Amazon Prime, Hulu and Netflix allow limited-time test runs(trials), however, if still determined to use the services all you need is a disposable email address. Technically, you can extend your trial usage using a different email address linked to your original (genuine) after the trial period expires.

An offline or online retailer tend to demand an email address to take advantage of their offers, however, this result in an unwanted deluge of spam promotional emails that you could avoid. Temporary email address makes it easy to cut out those irritating messages you are still receiving.

Technically, the idea of a temporary email address conjures up with black hat hackers and underworld internet, but there are convincing reason to us fake email services.

What does Tempsmail service offer?

  • With the click of a button, users can get a temporary email address with a random name.
  • Users can choose a name for their temporary email address, that is easy to remember, and choose a domain name.
  • The service does not ask for any personal information and your identity remains anonymous to the sites you want to signup for.
  • You can create several email addresses, register several accounts on any online service or application, and activate them if there is a need.
  • Temporary mail address expires within 45 minutes automatically without having to delete it.
  • Users can extend the validity of the e-mail when needed again and again if they are still waiting for activation email messages or they still need the temporary e-mail address to register for more websites, services, and applications.
  • Tempsmail's service provides a unique and distinctive user experience and a simple practical design. It displays emails in an organized manner and provides many options that are easy to access and understand their purpose even by the average user with limited technical experience.
  • We use the latest caching technologies to provide faster browsing of pages and even incoming messages in your inbox.
  • We periodically provide a new domain for the created temporary disposable email addresses.
  • And Free